Saturday, November 26, 2011

Stalling for a moment

As I write this, I feel tired. The good thing about a blog is that you can input whatever, whenever and however you want. For me its a stress reliever. I did so much things this week, that I found that it has passed quickly. 

I have a friend in Trinidad and Tobago from Canada, so I am hoping to plan a lime for them before they return to their homeland for good. For those of you who don't understand what a lime is: A Lime is a local Trinidadian term, for a get-together, or party. Liming essentially means that you are not doing anything. What do we do on a lime? We go by a friend, sit in their gallery or patio and talk about anything. If you have a car, you pass by a friend, pick them up, and you go somewhere...anywhere. The best limes are spontaneous. The best limers are almost always drunk (ok, I am kidding). I know I said when we are liming, we are not doing anything...we do lots of things... I guess it means we are not working.

The atmosphere for a lime is usually light, for instance: two people speaking, another person intervenes, and then another, and another... before you know it there is a whole group of folks laughing, playing cards, drinking juice/wine/beer or eating Crix. A lime is usually inexpensive, food for limes can range from a glass of water, to several pizzas, fast foods, or pelau. 

Pelau, is a local creole one-pot meal that consists of rice, pigeon peas, chicken/pig tail/ox tail/goat/etc. The taste of Pelau is dependent on the cook. The best pelau comes from "goldies-oldies", meaning grandmothers, and elderly folks. I have tasted some fantastic pelau in my time, but I am not a fan anymore. One day, I had burnt pelau, on a beach lime... that sort of destroyed all my desire for it. However, pelau remains a staple of beach limes here. It is fantastic meal with tomatoes, a slice of avocado (local term: zaboca), and some lettuce. Don't forget hot pepper!

2011©Lisa Marie Bonaparte

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